Wednesday, 30 May 2012


From the 1970's comes this Great Pistol, another one purchased from E bay USA which a couple of weeks ago had 4 or 5 new ( well new to me) Hong kong knock off pistols, 3 of which i managed to win which always makes me wonder who's bidding against me, other Spy Toy collectors?, Bond Collectors?..please get in touch if you've also got bootleg items & rare guns or a blog which features them, because at the moment I'm all alone in the Knock off Spy toy universe.

Love the artwork on this one, the scene of 2 People ( Enemy Agents i presume) Struggling with the gun, while one lies dead on the bed! this header's a little more graphic than the usual fare, and leads me to believe the pic may have been taken from a Pulp novel rather than a Commissioned piece of art, after all if someone had been commissioned to draw the header, surly a more simpler generic pic of a suit & shades wearing spy would have been the choice, rather than the above pic, where its impossible to tell who the gun belongs too. maybe its the guy who's dead on the bed?

The guns pretty nifty too, weather it is  the original gun that's attached to the card is impossible to tell, until i find another one, or someone out there gets in touch and tells me otherwise i believe it is, its plastic and the cards pretty thin the metal guns that were produced tend to have been on heaver blister the one below.

great colourful card

'The gun of a Secret Agent' reads the blurb on the header of the pretty heavy 8 shooter revolver with silencer, always a nice little add on that.
 I got this with a Man from Uncle annual off of E bay, yes both in the same Auction! the card is a pretty Straightforward version of the secret agent type header with our hero looking a bit schoolboy -ish, with blazer & tie! and  some nice bright colours.
Made by Funtastic toys, maybe sometime in the mid 80's? its bar coded so its definitely a later issue and as always with these toys, a google search revealed nothing really, no history of Guns or spy toys associated with this company so maybe it's a one off for the spy craze or whatever bond film was popular the year this gun came out, 'View to a kill' maybe?

Back of the card mid 80's?

This was a great gun to get free with the first Man From Uncle annual, a really good deal both for £4.00.

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