Sunday, 9 September 2012


I Was Recently contacted through the blog, by a fellow spy collector, a splendid chap called Ken Smedley from the States, he very kindly sent me pics of his great Spy collection, i was very impressed,and asked if i could feature some of them on the Blog, he very kindly agreed, so the following pics and items are all Kens, theres some great and unusual bits here and it would take a good few years of e baying & toy fair searching to find some of these great rare items.

Here's the first, a great Redbox item, the special Agent 707 watch gun, same header & art as the other 707  Rack toys, its just great to see another variation and one to watch for on the E bay, if it turns up.

Really Nice item This!
Here's a great Redbox Bond set, but still has the Agent 707 Badge with it!, it seems, as Ken Mentions in his E mail to me, Redbox did lots of variations with the Packaging, licensed & Unlicensed and the pic at the bottom is definitely Agent 707 and not Bond.

Here's the Coibel Bond Spy Set, as I've feature a few coibel items on the Blog before, but not seen this one its pretty fab, Ken sent pics of the contents too

Superb Coibel Spy Set
The set contains the classic exploding spoon, tie clip gun & holster, no date but as its 'Roger  moore' bond maybe late 70's Early 80's?

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